I felt I had a successful interview but then the employer ghosted me! What’s the best way to follow up? Hanging in Houston

Dear Hanging—

Thanks for your question. The phrase “ghosting,” used in today’s job search lingo, basically means that the an employer or candidate seems to have simply ‘disappeared’ or has no further contact as they did previously. The employer may not have ghosted you but is still considering who to hire. The timeframes of recruiting cycles is an area of which the general public is not aware.

After an interview, a reply can take several weeks—remember the employer is running their business and pressing items may have superseded getting back with you. To follow up, make a phone call vs. sending an email, to the person who interviewed you and ask if you can provide any more information about your background. Express your high level of interest in the position but don’t ask if the position has been filled. If you ask these two questions, the employer will most likely tell you the status.


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