What We Do

Our Wordsmithing. Your History. Outstanding.
We write professional résumé packages for individuals residing in any state, regardless of their education or background, and always present the truth.
All packages include your résumé, cover letter and reference page. We work with all levels of individuals who trust us to write their résumés showcasing their experience in the most strategic way possible. Our clients consist of both degreed and non-degreed individuals at the following levels:
Executive • Professional • Mid-Level • Entry-Level • College Graduate • Student
We also write for people who feel they don't fit into the categories listed above. Those with disabilities, individuals who have been incarcerated, or have long lapses of unemployment are also served. Everyone deserves to have an appropriate résumé to submit to a prospective employer.
Our personalized services are designed to work together cohesively to provide you the knowledge you need while building confidence to carry out your job search and ultimately land employment.
Emotions and Job Loss
We understand what happens once your position is no longer available. The highs and lows endured during the absence or loss of employment can be compared to a roller coaster, which bring a host of emotions along for the ride. Accompanied by fear, doubt, and uncertainty, you may feel unsure where to begin.
No matter what stage of life or circumstance you find yourself in, be assured—you have worth!
Your skills are valuable and there is hope for you as you transition to find the right position for your skill set.
No matter what your station in life, we thank you for taking the time to stop by and gathering this vital information that will give you direction and guidance. We offer a free telephone consultation and look forward to speaking with you to answer any questions you may have.
Why Hire Someone Else to Write My Résumé? What's the Cost?
A professional résumé is the necessary tool that serves as your first impression to a potential employer who has never met you. The end result is for the résumé to convince and persuade an employer that he should contact you because you may be the right candidate.
In our professional opinion, we believe an individual should not write his or her own résumé because it is difficult to be objective about oneself. Many individuals struggle to write their own résumé while in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. The last thing most people want to do is tackle a writing project that must “boast” about them.
Our résumé writing is always strategic, targeted, and well written with the employer in mind. Correct grammar and sentence structure is essential and a striking format is needed for visual appeal. Accomplishing this is normally a challenging undertaking for any job seeker, which is why we urge you to contact us for a free telephone consultation.
The cost for our résumé package, which includes a cover letter and reference page, is dependent upon your level of experience and length of your work history. Our rates are reasonable, yet competitive within the market. Your quote is in our free consultation.
Why Struggle? Hire Us.
When you hire us, all résumé services include a one-on-one, telephone interview with you in order to learn the specific facts about you, your employment history, education, and accomplishments. We always review your existing résumé (if you have one) and will find positive elements in it. Prior to speaking to you, we will send you a checklist to help you prepare for our questions. Our clients like this because it helps them to organize their thoughts and jogs their memory about past job descriptions.
Interviews are scheduled by appointment and we work with anyone regardless of where they live. Thanks in advance for calling us!