Believe you can and you're halfway there.
--Theodore Roosevelt“
“Liz Searcy is an experienced, highly skilled, and talented resume writer and career coach. I initially connected with Liz in 2016 with the goal of updating my resume. As an executive sales manager at a flagship East Coast department store with accomplishments and award recognition, I wanted to take my career to the next level.
Working with Liz and her team, she was able to articulate my skills, experience and accomplishments resulting in a new position at the most iconic East Coast luxury retailer where I continued to have professional success in my career until Covid 2020 lay-off. Relocating and beginning a new life it quickly became apparent that my retail background and experience would be a challenge job searching in my new location known for its financial, technology and healthcare focus.
Reaching out to Liz, her expertise and supportive advice quickly surfaced and with her help I was able to pivot to my current position in the nonprofit industry. With her impressive ability and intuitive skill and market knowledge, Liz assured me that my background and skills were easily transferable and current. She was able to update and revitalize my resume resulting in interview opportunities and job offers with prestigious companies. I accepted a position with an organization with brand recognition both domestically and internationally.
I can highly recommend Liz as a person with profound knowledge, a result-driven work style and outstanding skill level for anyone job searching.
Thank you, Liz, I look forward to collaborating with you as I continue to grow professionally.”
Major Role at Domestic/Global Nonprofit
Southern U.S.
“As an 18-year U.S. Army veteran looking for a position with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, it was frustrating having to deal with the resume process on USAJobs. I tried tweaking my resume several times online but it would never get past the second round of resume interviews.
When I found Liz, she assured me that she knew what needed to change with my resume and we began her interview process. After several phone interviews and sending her documents describing my education, military experience and current resume, Liz was able to transform my two (2) page corporate resume into exactly what was needed; a nine (9) page resume formatted for a federal position.
Working with Liz was great. She was available for any questions that I had and contacted me frequently with updates on the progress of my new resume. It was great finding someone who took the time to understand my military experience and how it applied to the position I was seeking.
Two weeks after Liz completed my resume I was offered a permanent position with the USACE.
Any veteran looking for a revised resume for either a corporate or federal position should look no further than Liz at Celebration Career.”
Aaron Henao
Construction Control Representative
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
“After my husband passed away, I returned to college as a senior adult hoping that a degree would provide the credentials I needed to make up for my lack of recent work experience. I stressed over the length of time it was taking, pondering if going back to college at age 56 was the right decision.
Here was my rationalization…I knew if I just worked at a retail store, I wouldn’t have enough money to keep up my home. It’s my kids’ anchor. So I stayed the course with my education, going part-time over several years.
I took full advantage of my university’s career center and their extensive resources, fashioning my resume exactly to their specifications. However, several months after graduation, hard-earned Bachelor of Science in hand, my job search had not yielded a single result. I began to lose my confidence and even my hope.
I reconnected with Liz at a friend’s wedding and decided to use her professional services. She reworked my resume and coached me in the interview process - how to answer tough questions, as well as practical advice about what to ask the interviewer. I felt my confidence was being renewed.
My target position was one at my alma mater. After the completion of my new resume, cover letter and coaching, the very next position I applied for required an interview with a panel of six professionals. I was offered the position, and I am quite certain it is exactly where I need to be. After I was hired I was told that I was chosen due to the way I handled the panel’s questions.
Liz changed the direction of my future. There are not enough words to express my respect for her professional experience, and my appreciation for her tireless commitment towards a successful outcome for me. I highly recommend her to anyone in a career transition.”
M. Jensen
Administrative Associate III
Top-Tier University
“After serving our country for 20 years, as well as 25 years in the construction industry, and over 40 years' life experience, the piece that was missing was a well-articulated document that would make my skills shine.
Liz crafted an outstanding resume and I was shocked by the attention to detail and the important details that even I missed. From beginning to end, she is extremely thorough and covered every possible angle to make you successful in your career exploration. Also, beyond my career, I have a very sick child. She takes the time to reach out and let my family know that she will pray for us.
With my experience and her outstanding resume writing skills, I have been interviewing for senior-level (GS13) positions.”
Max W
Veterans Affairs
“Liz and team are an accomplished group of professionals. They were able to articulate my skills and accomplishments beautifully and write a resume that highlights my career and accomplishments.
Additionally, Liz has valuable insights into the job application process and also the interview process, including critical questions one must ask during the process.
I highly recommend her to anyone seeking to refresh their resumes or going into a must-have job interview.”
Suvo Nandi, MBA
Arlington, VA
“The Celebration team was concise. Working with Liz and the team helped me to understand my own skill set and passion. From their service, I immediately received job inquiries via LinkedIn about new opportunities and interview requests from submitted applications.”
Executive HR Professional
Houston, TX
“I first contacted Liz Searcy at Celebration Career in June 2017 and four months later, in September, I was offered a job, which ended two years of unemployment. When I hired them I was in a panic because in two months I would be getting married and have no job.
I had applied to well over 100 job postings in the previous 12 months, yet only received five interviews, one of which was an onsite. I had no job offers.
Previously, I had a very successful career at STRATAGEN Consulting, a petroleum engineering group, until they laid me off in Sept 2015. And so I began to wonder where my greatest failures were and why I was so undesirable as an engineer. What did I need to do to truly overcome my underemployment and how do I get my career jump started again— in a new field and in a new city?
I submitted my new Celebration Career resume over the following four months and the results were staggering!
I applied to 84 jobs, and secured 14 next step processes, 13 of which led to interviews, four of which led to onsite interviews. One onsite interview led to two offers for jobs that I actually wanted at a company I really respected. More than one in five of my resume submissions caught an actual recruiter’s interest and response.
Liz also provided interview and salary coaching. She worked through a few misconceptions that I had and walked me through invaluable tools that turned phone interviews into onsite interviews and ultimately job offers. I was so distraught before the coaching that I was seeking 15% below the market salary for a Mechanical Engineer.
With my new resume in hand, and interview and salary coaching from Liz, I was able to confidently accept an offer and secure an above average salary, setting my new marriage on a very strong foundation. I am extremely grateful to Celebration Career and their work and highly recommend Liz and her team.”
Joe Armstrong
Reliability Engineer
Rockwell Collins
Lenexa, KS
“Recently, I read a quote on a Dayspring Lighthouse calendar stating that God will always give you enough light to take the next step in your life. A few years ago, I was laid off for the third time in five years, and this time it lasted for 32 months. My career seemed to lack direction. I had the faith that God would take care of me— I just did not know were to turn next.
One day I received a call from my sister who told me about a career counseling service that was being offered through her church. Through her conversation, I was able to meet and connect with Liz Searcy of Celebration Career & Business Support.
I met with Liz on several occasions and talked on the phone several more. The career counseling was invaluable in my job search, and the confidence I received from the interview coaching helped immeasurably in the interview process.
The professional resume that Liz prepared for me has received more hits (and inquiries) on the job search bulletin boards in a few months, compared to my other resume that was posted there for several years.
I cannot begin to thank Liz enough for all the hard work, dedication, and professionalism she puts into each and everything she does. I know in my case that God supplied the light—I like to think that he used Liz to focus it so I could see it a little better, and possibly, employers could see me a little better too. I believe the results speak for themselves.
The story continues. I went back to work in January of 2012. This job helped to pay the bills and keep us going. It was a short-term contract job, however it did not pay much money. In March of 2012, I received a call asking if I would be interested in a position on a two-year project, close to home. I am now working on that project and making a very generous wage. Plus, the project is close to being extended for an additional two years.
God gave us enough light to see and take the next step, and so far it has been very good. God Is Good, All The Time! We are careful to give Him all the glory.
Thank you Liz, for all your help and support as well. You are a key to my success."
Jim R. Smith
Major Pipeline and Terminal Company
Houston, TX
“After Liz helped me with my resume, I started getting responses from companies more frequently. Her interview coaching, especially on how to answer behavioral questions, was really helpful, and gave me much confidence on the phone and in face-to-face interviews.
I've been trying to get out of retail and become an analyst at a corporate office, using my master's degree from Tulane University. Liz absolutely helped me make it happen. I look forward to working with her throughout my professional career."
Operations Analyst
Private Consulting Company
Houston, TX
“Working in the Social Service field, we aren’t taught much about how to write resumes, interview, or negotiate salaries. Liz’s ability to pull information from me I never thought about putting on a resume, was remarkable. She took my four- page resume, condensed it to two pages, added relevant information, and made me look completely amazing on paper. Liz wrote about my strengths and experience truthfully in a way I never would have imagined.
After I received my license to practice in the state of Texas, I began applying for jobs with my new resume in hand. Liz prepared me for my interviews through coaching, including salary acceptance and negotiation. With the preparation and new resume written by her, I was offered a job at a prestigious hospital within two hours of my initial interview! I’d like to add that I had no prior hospital experience.
The hiring manager liked me so much, that she waived the additional interviews, and I was offered the position the same day I met her. In addition, she commented that she didn’t want anyone else to "snatch me up." Several people have told me that this position was a very difficult one to get without any previous hospital experience. I was also told that it is unheard of for the hiring manager to call me in less than two hours after leaving my interview!
Now I am earning twice what I made at my last job! I can say that I owe much of my success in this area to Liz and her direction with my resume writing, and interview and salary coaching. I couldn’t be more thrilled to be working where I work! I highly recommend Liz to people that are in need of a new resume or having difficulty finding a position. She made me look on paper like the rock star that I am!"
Angela Tanase, LMSW
Emergency Center Social Worker
Top Ranked Children’s Hospital
Houston, TX
Thank you. After spending 27 years in the retail grocery business, the odds of finding employment in a different industry were slim at best. Surprisingly, I was given a temporary opportunity as supervisor for a logistics company in an unrelated industry.
I spent 2 hours on the phone with the owner of the company Sunday. After pitching my services, she offered me a permanent position as Logistics Manager reporting directly to her. My salary is generous, with full benefits and much more regular hours. Thank you again for all of your time, prayers and effort.
Your resume blew her away when she read it and I am fairly certain I would not have the opportunity that I have now if my marketing/sales, team building, and budget management skills had not been so clearly defined. You're the best and your heart of service and ministry is clearly evident.”
Cliff Hanning
Logistics Manager
CV Logistics
Houston, TX
“Dear Liz—
Thank you for all your help in my job search. Your career counseling and résumé writing was critical to my success in finding a great position.
I was running out of ideas on where to look for a job and you made specific suggestions to me that initially, I was reluctant to try. In addition, my new résumé showed my talents in a way that helped me stand out from the crowd.
So, I started making phone calls and within two days I found my employer. They needed help and I worked for them on several projects. Within a few months I was offered a position on their staff and was employed there for 10 years. In addition, I earned a salary more than twice what I made in my previous position.
Thank you for all your work on my behalf throughout these 20 years. Your motivation and instruction has been so valuable and helped me advance in my career to this next step. God has blessed me with my own business!"
Michele Caldwell, Principal
Houston Web Design and Hosting
Tomball, TX
“Dear Liz—
I wanted to thank you so much for all your help during my career search. After graduating from the University of North Texas with a degree in Biochemistry, I was expecting several months of hunting, but instead I found myself accepting a Manufacturing Laboratory Technician position for DuPont within two months!
My only means of applying for this position was through an online service and the resume you wrote for me was picked out of the hundreds of possible applicants, which speaks volume for your talent.
I also felt very comfortable and prepared for the interview process, in large part because of your guidance. It has been a pleasure working with you and will definitely be recommending your services to my friends and family. Again, thank you for everything!”
Dakota Sena
Manufacturing Laboratory Technician
LaPorte, TX
“Being laid off is not the end of the world, it is the beginning of a new one. Liz Searcy, with Celebration Career & Business Support, proved to be a great captain on the conquest for my next career move when I was laid off in June of 2010. Leading the way, with an intensive personal interview and spectacular wordsmithing, Liz revised and crafted my resume. She clearly communicated a message of value to myself as well as what I could offer an employer.
Quite frankly, I had not had to look for a job in a long time and the job market had changed dramatically and I didn't know which way to turn. Liz bridged the gap with not only a superb resume but outstanding interview coaching.
All in all, after working with Liz, I was awarded several job interviews and four job offers. You may very well experience the same. I accepted a wonderful opportunity and now work for Drucker, Rutledge & Smith, L.L.P. Attorneys at Law, where we handle legal consultation and business litigation primarily in the areas of Construction, Banking & Employment Law. I am blessed to be working with outstanding attorneys, including our senior partner who received the 2010 Super Lawyer Award for the fifth consecutive year.
Expect great things to happen and know, in advance, what you really want from your new career. I contend that being laid off is not the end of the world; it is the beginning of a new one. Embrace the adventure of career exploration with Liz and Celebration Career & Business Support and discover a new world waiting for you!”
Luanne E. Walling
Office Assistant
Drucker, Rutledge & Smith, L.L.P.
Attorneys at Law
The Woodlands, TX
“Dear Liz,
I want to thank you yet again for being able to help me with my career. I have enclosed a testimony for your business:
My career received a big boost many years ago when I met Liz through a friend at our local church. We originally sat down for a consultation when she was first starting to grow her business. She professionally wrote my resume and represented my skills in such a way that seemed to amaze many potential employers. After being offered several opportunities, I was truly grateful and able to choose a job. I spent over five years at that company until they decided to close the doors of our location.
I was able to find employment again, but it was only a job that was able to keep me afloat. Then, by the grace of God, I ran into Liz again once again.
We sat down once more for a consultation, because after two years with this new company, I did not see room for growth. Liz determined my resume just needed an update. So, she was able to take care of this for me and, with her business growing so well, I decided to get help from her with interview and salary negotiation coaching.
After getting my resume out, I had several calls within two weeks! I was able to call and talk to Liz on many occasions about these potential jobs, and she offered advice, which helped me determine the best job for my family and me. After making a decision on the most appropriate job, I was extended an interview. Within another two weeks, I began working for a company which employees over 200,000 people worldwide with ample room to grow and expand my knowledge.
Thank you once more for an amazing experience, and may God bless you in the continued growth and knowledge of your company.”
Best Regards,
James Beach
Schlumberger Deeplook
Shop Foreman
Houston, TX
“I recently relocated to the Houston area and have been pursuing career leads. During a counseling session, Liz explained that cold calls to potential employers could often work in my favor when done in the appropriate manner. After a recent cold call to a potential employer, I received an interview. I was pleased to have gotten an interview just by calling and introducing myself with my ‘30 second commercial.’ Additionally, thanks to her coaching I felt well prepared and comfortable during the interview.
Due to my personal experience, I can honestly say that Liz's career counseling and advice is spot on!”
Meghan Jackson
Houston, TX
“Liz was a great resource during my recent job change and I thank her so much for my great resume & cover letter! My accomplishments and gifts are much better expressed and even clearer to me now. In addition, Liz helped me understand how I'm qualified for work in other industries and business sectors, including non-profit, and that my ability to create career growth and achieve job satisfaction is all about confidence, assertiveness, negotiation, and flexibility.
I believe we all must take the time to evaluate and define our careers in our own terms - where are we and where do we want to go? Employers and the job market aren't holding us back - if we aren't growing and getting what we want, nobody is holding us back but ourselves. Employers define us and evaluate us based on daily performance, action, and assertiveness.
During my recent job search, I strongly considered several directions. I found many jobs that fit with my experience and skills. With just a few phone conversations with Liz, I knew I could get any job I wanted. All job changes and career moves have learning curves, so I had to make tough decisions about my career goals and personal needs. Although I am middle-aged by traditional norms, I consider myself mid-career. It's time employers and job seekers let go of age as a defining factor and focus on skills, capabilities, and attitude.
In August 2011, a former employer and I created a new position in the organization - they had not defined a new position and were not interviewing. With Liz's help I negotiated a great job and career move! I am the Director of Operations for a privately owned marketing firm. My employer had never had a middle management position, but I recognized their need for help and how this new position would free them of many day-to-day management issues, so they could focus on company growth. The position is a hybrid of operations and HR. Not only does this job allow me to use my very best skills, but I'm able to do the work I like the best. I'm able to grow my knowledge and experience in two areas of specialization that are closely related in small companies.
So, I'm building my career, learning a lot, and using all of my experience. And the work I'm doing is work that can transfer to any industry. I love what I'm doing and I'm excited about my career growth and future opportunities in multiple areas of personal interest.
I'm no longer worried that someday I may not be able to find a job. I know that going forward, a career plan and career coach is essential for career, job and life satisfaction.
Thanks Liz—you provide such a valuable and dedicated, personal service—I will recommend you to other colleagues and I look forward to our ongoing coaching sessions!”
Best Regards,
Susan B. Itin
Director of Operations
Privately Owned Marketing Firm
Houston, TX
“Liz, I wanted to thank you for your help in rewriting my résumé and also providing me interview coaching. The tips and training that you gave me were invaluable. I struggled for a long time with no response from my old resume.
I applied for counseling positions and sent out my old résumé but received no feedback, responses or interviews. There was a company I was particularly interested in working for but sadly, I had no response.
You took the time to really look at my experience and qualities as a person. When I saw the new résumé for the first time, I was very proud of what I had accomplished. I decided to send it back to the same company where my old one had been submitted and guess what happened?
I immediately got an email plus a job interview!
Your time and expertise paid off. Now, thanks to you and the extensive knowledge I gained, I feel confident and at ease in an interview. You are a diligent, trusted and gifted person and your company is going to be a great success because you pour your heart into each person. Each person gets 100% of you.”
Warmest Regards,
Susan Zohn
Houston, TX
“Liz Searcy is a wonderfully creative writer with a storyteller’s gift for communication. She has a heartfelt connection to those she writes about, which has enabled her to tell our stories in ways that appeal to readers. She is a professional, committed to deadlines and willing to dig for the emotional essence of each story. We recommend her highly.”
Bill Martin
Director of Communications and Marketing
Children At Heart Foundation
Round Rock, TX
“Dear Liz—How can I truly express my gratitude for all you have done for me? Thank you doesn’t come close to saying the deep appreciation that I feel. However, I hope you know that it is from my heart and that this THANK YOU is as big as Texas itself! You not only mentored me in the rules of the literary world, learning proper composition and correct grammar, but you encouraged me to follow my dream.
You never let me give up and even when I was so terribly far from doing it right, you saw the potential and tenderly pushed me to persevere. Because of you, the stories and emotions of my heart are being published in print! This is so wonderful!
Thanks, Liz, for helping me to achieve this great goal. Thank you for being my coach and staunchest supporter! Thank you for helping to make me a real writer!”
Sharron Lakey
Houston, TX
“Thank you so much for the incredibly articulated eulogy you wrote for my late husband’s funeral. It was such a huge burden lifted from my heavily burdened mind. It was amazing to me how you took my answers to your questions and formed a perfect tribute to the memory of Patrick’s life. I was able to use it in the pamphlet handed out at the funeral and our pastor read it aloud. I had a number of people ask me who wrote it.
Thanks again for spending the time to get every detail correct and doing it in such a personal and professional manner.”
Valorie Lyda Hopkins
Owasso, OK